Transport Policy and Grading
  • Info
        Policy and Grading
        Learning Objectives
  • Course work
        Reading and Lectures
  • Previous years
  • My materials
        Lectures by chapt.
  • External Links
        Gallery of Fluid Motion
        NCFMF Films
  • Attendance and Responsibility

    Class attendance is mandatory. If you must miss a class for a legitimate reason please inform me early as possible so that we can plan appropriately and provide you with makeup materials.

    Laptop Use

    Student laptops may not be open during class unless specifically requested. Please keep your phones away.

    Grading Policy

    • 50 percent of your grade will be determined by your HW assignments
    • 50 percent for your grade will be determined by the quizzes.


    The best tip I have for doing well in the course is keeping up with the weekly assignments. The best way to do poorly is to not do the work.
    • Homework will be graded only on effort and timeliness. We will only check that you are working with the problems, we will not grade whether each problem is correct or not.
    • Homework due dates will be listed on the website though the dates may change in realtime. Tyically changes would be to extend a deadline. I will try to keep the website current, but what I say in class overrides the website!
    • Homework is submitted on Canvas on the due date at class time. It will be checked that week and this check will only grade on "effort". Did you make an honest effort at the homework? Did you complete everything on time? If yes, then you get full credit, 2 points. Did you make some effort? Is the work partially incomplete? 1 point. No effort or nothing turned in on time. 0 points.
    • After the due date, solutions will be posted on the website. Within one week of the due date, self-grade your homework. Look at each problem you missed and try to figure out where you went wrong. Was the error a simple calculation error or did you miss a concept completely? For each HW, you will write a very brief summary (1 paragraph will usually be sufficient) of your own assessment of your work and understanding of the assignment. Did you get it all correct - just one sentence that says "All good" is sufficient. Did you just make some minor mistakes - just say so. Is there a concept you were confused about, but now understand - tell me a little bit about what that is. Is there something you are confused by - tell me that. Is there some background that you haven't seen before that makes the assignment challenging - tell me that. This assigmment will be graded on 2 or 0. 2 means it is sufficient. 0 means you didn't do it. The point of this exercise is for you to try to look critically at what you missed and provide me with data about what areas are still confusing. Note: If you are getting all the homework correct - this is no extra work. If you are having trouble with the homework - this exercise boosts your overall HW by just doing it! It's a win-win.


    There will be regular quizzes about the reading and lectures. These will either be done in the first 10 minutes of class or emailed a few days before to complete and bring to class. We will go over the answers in realtime. These reading quizzes will be quick and conceptual. There will be about approximately 2 longer quizzes throug the semester (mid term and final). These will be done in class. Each quiz will consist of short problems or qualitative questions. For each quiz you will have 40 minutes to complete your individual work. You will then be assigned to a small group. You will then have 30 minutes to complete a collaborative group quiz (same questions). We will the use the remaining time to go over the answers. You will mark up in red pen your own quiz. You will turn in your individual quiz and the group quiz at the end of class. Your final quiz grade will be 2/3 individual and 1/3 group. Your final quiz grade will be 1/2 daily quizzes, 1/4 midterm and 1/4 final.

    Collaboration Policy

    You are encouraged to work with others, but please do your own work. Please write the names of people you collaborate with on each of the assignments. It is expected that you could explain everything in your notebook.

    Sept 2017.